Hello, Granny! Hello, Grandpa!

В този урок:

  • ще научите поздрава Good afternoon! (Добър ден!);
  • ще научите нови думи, свързани с членовете на семейството;
  • ще научите още наименования на животни и популярни храни;
  • ще се запознаете с буквите Gg, Hh, Ii.

Listen and follow the pictures. 

Listen and follow the pictures. 

Listen and repeat. 

Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat.

Look at the photos and say the words.


Listen, point and repeat. 

Listen, point and repeat. 

Listen, point and repeat. 

Listen, point and repeat. 

Listen, point and repeat. 

Now ask and answer in pairs.

What’s this? For each photo answer as in the model.

Model: It’s a (hamster).
It’s a hamster.
It’s a horse.
It’s a giraffe.
It’s a goat.

What’s this? For each photo answer as in the model.

Model: It’s a (hamster).
It’s an ice cream.
It’s a hot dog.
It’s a hamburger.
It’s a grapefruit.

Listen, point and repeat. 

Look at the photos. Say as in the model.

Model: (G) is for (giraffe).

What is the first letter? Коя е първата буква?

ice cream

What is the first letter? Коя е първата буква?

hot dog

Listen, point and repeat.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Разгледайте илюстрациите и отговорете.

Where is G?
G is under 
the giraffe.
Where is H?
H is behind 
the hamster.
Where is I?
I is in 
the ice cream.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Разгледайте илюстрациите и отговорете.

Where is g?
G is behind 
the girl.
Where is h?
H is in 
the house.
Where is i?
I is in 
the ice.

В този урок научихте:

  • как да поздравявате за добър ден;
  • думите granny (баба) и grandpa (дядо);
  • още думи за животни и популярни храни;
  • буквите Gg, Hh, Ii.
GHI Hello, Granny! Hello, Grandpa!