How is that possible?

В този урок:

  • ще слушате и ще четете разговор;
  • ще научите наименованията на пластмасови предмети, които замърсяват околната среда;
  • ще се запознаете с думичките me (мене), you (тебе), him (него), her (нея), it (него/нея), us (нас), them (тях).

Let’s learn some new words. Flip and read.

ветеринарен лекар
whale shark
whale shark китова акула

Let’s learn some new words. Flip and read.

plastic debris
plastic debris
пластмасови отпадъци



Listen and follow the pictures.

Listen and follow the pictures.

Listen and read.

Listen and read.


Listen, point and repeat. Flip and read.

1. plastic bag – пластмасова торбичка 2. plastic cup – пластмасова чаша 3. plastic plate – пластмасова чиния 4. plastic bottle – пластмасова бутилка 5. plastic knife – пластмасов нож 6. plastic fork – пластмасова вилица 7. plastic spoon – пластмасова лъжица 8. plastic cap – пластмасова капачка

Look at the poster. Read the words in bold.

pollution – замърсяване reduce – намалявам потреблението/отпадъците reuse – използвам повторно/многократно recycle – рециклирам, използвам материала отново; предавам за преработване

Let’s learn two new words.

plastic straw
пластмасова сламка
food wrappers
опаковки за храна

What can you see in the poster?
Point and say as in the model.
Flip and check.

Model: I can see some plastic caps. I can see a plastic bag.
Suggested answers:
I can see some/three plastic spoons. I can see some/four plastic knives. I can see some/three plastic forks. I can see some/two plastic plates. I can see some/two plastic straws. I can see two plastic bottles. I can see a plastic cup.


Listen, point and repeat.

Point and say. Take turns.
Use me, him, her, it, us, them.

Make sentences for each picture as in the model.
Use me, him, her, it, us, them. Flip and check.

Let’s help him. Let’s help her. Let’s help them. Let’s help it.
Let’s find her. Let’s find them. Let’s find it. Let’s find him.
Let’s call her. Let’s call him. Let’s call them.

Make sentences for each picture as in the model.
Use me, him, her, it, us, them. Flip and check.

Give the ball to me, please. Give the ball to them, please.
Give the ball to it, please.
Can you take a photo of it, please? Can you take a photo of them, please? Can you take a photo of me, please?

Make sentences for each picture as in the model.
Use me, him, her, it, us, them. Flip and check.

Show us the way, please. Show them the way, please.
Show me the way, please.
Wait for me, please? Wait for us, please? Wait for him, please?
Wait for her, please? Wait for them, please?

В този урок:

  • слушахте и четохте разговор;
  • научихте наименованията на пластмасовите предмети,
    които най-често замърсяват околната среда;
  • се запознахте с думичките me (мене), you (тебе), him (него),
    her (нея), it (него/нея), us (нас), them (тях).
Lesson 11 How is that possible?