The lambs are so cute!

В този урок:

  • ще слушате, ще следите и ще повтаряте разговор;
  • ще научите наименованията на някои домашни животни
    и техните малки;
  • ще начите как да казвате, че ние притежаваме или че не притежаваме нещо (we have got/we haven’t got), както и че те притежават или не притежават нещо (they have got/they haven’t got).

Listen and follow the pictures. 

Listen and follow the pictures. 

Listen and repeat.

Listen, point and repeat.

Say the missing letter.

_ itten
_ uppy
lam _ 
ki _
pi _ let
ca _ f

Listen, point and repeat.


We have got a farm. Ние имаме ферма. 
We haven’t got a farm. Ние нямаме ферма. 
Have we got a farm? 
Имаме ли ферма? 
Yes, we have. Да, имаме. 
No, we haven’t. Не, нямаме.


They have got a farm. Те имат ферма. 
They haven’t got a farm. Те нямат ферма. 
Have they got a farm? 
Имат ли ферма? 
Yes, they have. Да, имат. 
No, they haven’t. Не, нямат.

Count and say.

Count and say as in the model. 
Model: We have got (one cat and four kittens).

We have got one dog and six puppies.
We have got one sheep and three lambs.
We have got one cow and one calf.
We have got one goat and six kids.
We have got two pigs and ten piglets.

Count and say as in the model. 
Model: They have got (one cat and four kittens).

They have got one dog and six puppies.
They have got one sheep and three lambs.
They have got one cow and one calf.
They have got one goat and six kids.
They have got two pigs and ten piglets.

Now look at the picture again and give true answers.

1. Have they got one cat?
2. Have they got ten kids?
3. Have they got two cows?
4. Have they got six puppies?
5. Have they got three sheep?
1. Yes, they have. 
2. No, they haven’t.
3. No, they haven’t.
4. Yes, they have.
5. No, they haven’t.

Say have or has

Have they got a farm? Yes, they have.
Simon’s grandpa has got a big garden.
Has Mr Sporty got a pet? Yes, he has.
We have got new bags.

В този урок:

  • слушахте, проследихте и повтаряхте разговор;
  • научихте названията на популярни домашни животни и техните малки;
  • научихте как да казвате, че ние притежаваме или не притежаваме нещо (we have got/we haven’t got), както и че те притежават или не притежават нещо (they have got/they haven’t got).
The lambs are so cute!