Ouch! It hurts!

В този урок:

  • ще си припомните изучени части на тялото и ще научите нови думи;
  • ще си припомните думи и изрази, свързани със здравословни оплаквания и симптоми, и ще научите нови;
  • ще слушате разговор в кабинета на лекаря и стоматолога и ще се научите как да съобщавате за здравословен проблем;
  • ще описвате писмено здравословен проблем в миналото;
  • ще се запознаете с различните произношения на буквата „S“.

In pairs, make a list of the parts of the body you know. Flip the card and check.

Suggested answers: eye, nose, mouth, ear, chin, nose, teeth, nose, face, neck, hair, head, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, foot, knee, body.



In your notebook, match the words with the pictures. Then go to the next slides.

Flip, listen, check and repeat.


Flip, listen, check and repeat.

пръст на крака

Say the correct parts of the body to complete the sentences. Click the buttons and check your answers.

I can see with my eyes.
I wear a watch on my wrist.
I stand on my feet.
I smell with my nose.
I write with my (right/left) hand.
I put my hat on my head.
I wear gloves on hands.
I wear a scarf around my neck.
My stomach hurts when I eat too much.
I can touch my toes.

Watch the video. Try to remember what jobs the different parts of the body do. Go to the next slide.

Complete the sentences with the missing parts of the body. Some words are plural!
Flip the cards and check your answers.

My …. help me to see objects.
My eyes help me to see objects.
My … help me to hear sounds.
My ears help me to hear sounds.
My … helps me to smell.
My nose helps me to smell.
I touch and feel with my … .
I touch and feel with my fingers.

In pairs, make a list of the health problems
and symptoms you know.
Flip the card and check your answers.

Suggested answers: headache, high temperature, runny nose,
sore throat, stomach ache.

In your notebook, match the words with the pictures. Then go to the next slides.

Flip, listen, check and repeat.

sore throat
/ˈsɔː(r) ˈθrəʊt/ възпалено гърло
stomach ache
/ˈstʌmək eɪk/
болка в стомаха

Flip, listen, check and repeat.

треска, висока температура
allergy /ˈælə(r)dʒi/ алергия
runny nose /ˈrʌni nəʊz / течащ нос

Read and listen to the dialogues.

Make similar dialogues. Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words on the right.

Read and listen to the dialogue.

Read and listen to the dialogue.

Work in pairs. Choose a role: Student A or Student B. Read the role cards and make Dialogue 1.
Then change roles and make Dialogue 2.

Read Lilly’s story about the last time she was ill.
What symptoms did the girl have?
Flip the card and check your answer.

Lilly was very weak and tired. She had a runny nose and a sore throat. She also had a headache.

In your notebook, write about the last time
you were ill. Or, write about Jack. Look at the picture.
Start like this: Jack wasn’t at school yesterday.
Follow the model.
Flip the card and see the suggested answer.

Suggested answer:
Jack wasn’t at school yesterday because he had the flu. He felt very weak and tired. He had a fever and a bad headache. He also had a sore throat. He had to stay in bed and drink hot tea with lemon. He had to take some medicine, too.

Listen and repeat.

Put these words into the correct group above.
Flip, listen and check your answers.

sick because student phrase

В този урок:

  • си припомнихте думи за части на тялото и научихте нови;
  • преговорихте думи и изрази, свързани със здравословни оплаквания
    и симптоми, и научихте нови;
  • научихте как да съобщавате за здравословен проблем при лекаря
    и стоматолога;
  • писахте описание на здравословен проблем;
  • научихте как се произнася буквата „S“.
Unit 10, Ouch! It hurts!, Part 3